Cervical Cancer Screening – e-learning via The NHS Cervical Screening Programme (NHSCSP)

This course is delivered by E-learning for Health

The NHS Cervical Screening Programme (NHSCSP) is pleased to announce the release of an e-learning resource which is free of charge for cervical sample taker 3 yearly update training.

The module is hosted on the Health Education England’s website e-learning for Healthcare (e-LfH). The resource is part of a suite of e-learning materials for staff working across all NHS screening programmes.

The resource is designed to meet the cervical sample taker 3 yearly update training requirements as set out in the NHSCSP Guidance  for the training of cervical sample takers. It is anticipated that the module will facilitate improved and flexible access to update training to meet the needs of the sample taker population.

There are 11 modules each should take around 20-25 mins to complete.


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