Networking & Collaboration

How we Work with our Partners

Supporting a collaborative culture we work with health and care providers across Cornwall on a range of projects which accelerates joint working for mutual benefit, below are some examples of the larger programmes of work.

RCHT, CFT, Local Pharmacy Network, Kernow CCG and General Practice

It has been recognised that Cornwall needs a sustained pipeline of Pharmacists in order to meet demand across our hospitals.  In the short term with the new roles funding available to General Practice there is a risk that Clinical Pharmacist roles are advertised and taken up by those already working in Cornwall, to mitigate this risk Cornwall Training Hub has been developing Portfolio roles so the workforce can be shared. On a long term basis, focus was needed on the pharmacy workforce at a system wide level and the Cornwall Training Hub was asked to support System Pharmacy work in respect of recruitment, career frameworks and portfolio working. The System Pharmacy workforce group which is made up of stakeholders from across the health and care system oversee this programme of work.


Care Homes, Adult Social Care and the Princes Trust

Supporting young people to get into health and care is incredibly important for our future workforce within Cornwall, not all roles are clinical but all roles across health and care are vital to support the person in receipt of services. The Care Home Internship has been designed to encourage not only those that wish to go into medicine or seek a clinical, therapeutic or social care roles but those that may be considering accountancy, architecture, management and other roles not traditionally associated with health and care, to experience a 6 week paid internship within a Care Home with a view to supporting them to gain their level 2 Care Certificate, valuable people skills and an insight to health and care. It is hoped that those participating will be able to continue to work on a part time basis within the health and care sector whilst continuing with their academic study or completing an apprenticeship programme.  The young people will be supported through the Princes Trust and the outcomes of the programme monitored.

Cornwall Health Library

The Cornwall Health Library is located on the 2nd floor of the Knowledge Spa at the RCHT site in Truro. The library is a free resource available to all NHS staff, and the team welcome all staff in primary care in Cornwall to access this resource.
In addition to use of the library in Truro, and smaller site in Bodmin hospital, the library is also pleased to offer the below support to teams, including the use of online resources. We hope that this is valuable in supporting staff in Cornwall would benefit from access to specialist books and journals, training or assistance with clinical queries that support their professional development.

Ask us for:

  • Access to BMJ Best Practice – one of the best clinical support tools worldwide
  • Online journals and ebooks
  • Searches – experienced library staff will provide evidence to answer your clinical questions or support your research
  • Training – sessions on finding best evidence and critical appraisal provided at the library or your practice, tailored to your needs

Study space in our libraries at the Royal Cornwall Hospital and Bodmin Hospital Contact: